We are an independent body playing a key role in supporting and guiding the transition of the county of Surrey towards a carbon neutral future.

Our members are drawn from over 100 groups working to protect the climate. Please click on the map story below to discover more about our sister groups in Surrey.

As a community interest company, and part of the PCAN network, we are producing a transformative action plan. The first part of this was launched in 2021 with the publication of a baseline study produced by the University of Surrey.

It identifies the primary causes of emissions in the county and the data is helping to inform grass roots organisations and public sector groups, including Surrey County Council.


Click on our Map to find out about community group activity in your area

Surrey Climate Commission has produced a map showing environmental community group activity across the county. Hover over the map and click on a red marker to discover activity in your area. Over fifty groups across Surrey are shown on the map. From tree-planting groups to repair cafes, and from refill shops to renewable energy groups, a huge amount of community activity for the climate is going on in Surrey. New groups are springing up all the time, and using the map to make contact, share experiences and knowledge, and give support wherever it's needed.
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"The Surrey Climate Commission fills a crucial gap between national and local efforts to accelerate the scale and pace of action to address climate change."

Professor Chris Rapley CBE