Surrey Climate Commission Away Day

Wednesday, 1 March, 2023 - 10:00 to 17:00

The Surrey Climate Commission is meeting in Guildford on 1 March to mark our achievements since our formation in 2019, and to discuss our priorities for the coming months and years. We’ll be identifying new partnerships, funding opportunities, and new voices to attract to advise the Commission. Let us know if you’d like to join the conversation, by emailing

Climate Fresk Workshop at Zero Carbon Guildford

Saturday, 18 February, 2023 - 10:00 to 13:00

Do you feel confident discussing the science behind the climate crisis? Is your organisation searching for a tool to increase action and awareness? Climate Fresk is an interactive workshop which helps both understanding and action. It all starts with a card game, but from there it can lead to wide-ranging discussions on the nature of the climate crisis, what we can do to help and how we can talk about it to climate sceptics. It encourages people to consider the big picture and to find leverage points to maximise individual and group impacts.

Creating a Community-led Climate Hub

Thursday, 10 February, 2022 - 19:00 to 21:00

Zero Carbon Guildford and The Surrey Climate Commission invite you to a discussion on collaborative climate action across our communities in Surrey and beyond. This event will highlight the need for collaboration between existing and emerging organisations, and will provide practical support and guidance for communities looking to organise a strategy to cope with escalating climate change. Register Here

Surrey Hills Sustainable Business Conference on Friday 22 Oct

Friday, 22 October, 2021 - 09:30 to 15:30

The Conference on Friday  is to inspire and support businesses to recover, grow and thrive in a more sustainable way. See

If any of the below appeals to you then there is still time to attend.  

Businesses can grow in a sustainable way

It is imperative that we protect the environment

We need to focus on reducing our carbon footprint

Sustainability means action not just words

Climate for Change Event

Thursday, 2 July, 2020 - 13:00 to 14:00

During the coronavirus outbreak Business has shown resilience innovation and an ability to change?
Whilst much of this would have been challenging, there may have been changes in modes of working, work/life balance, and other processes that have presented positive opportunities going forward.
There has never been a better time , both environmentally and commercially to seize on these opportunities, as the challenge of Climate Change has not gone away.

The Challenge Ahead

Wednesday, 4 December, 2019 - 16:30 to 19:30

Surrey Climate Commission held its end of year Summary Event on Wednesday 4 December 2019 at WWF Living Planet Centre, Brewery Road, Woking.

The event gave us the opportunity to sum up how far we have come since our launch in June 2019. Watch a film of the event here.

Climate Forums for key stakeholders

Monday, 11 November, 2019 - 09:30 to Tuesday, 12 November, 2019 - 12:30

Two Climate Forums were held on consecutive days in November to gauge people's views on what they felt the key areas were in tackling climate change in Surrey.

A healthy mix of individuals was invited from across the private, public and citizen sectors. They were also asked what practices they were carrying out at present and what role the Climate Commission could make in the future.

Join Our Team

11th December, 2024 - 11:16

Would you like to work with Surrey Climate Commission and our partners? We are looking for someone with great organisation and communication skills to join our HEAT Plus team as a project assistant, working 1 day (flexible hours) a week.

New tool for community groups

16th October, 2024 - 16:19


An online platform for community group volunteers has been created by the Surrey Climate Commission. The Surrey Climate e-Forum is an easy-to-use platform providing a space to share advice and tips on everything, from finding funds and recruiting volunteers, to engaging more members of your community, and securing CIC or charity status, and much more. It’s great for getting answers to your questions, quickly and easily. There's already lots of content from experts across the community group sector in Surrey.