Faith Leaders ask Surrey MP’s to do the right thing ahead of COP 26

20th October, 2021 - 08:51

More than twenty faith leaders in Surrey have written to the region’s MP’s (see draft letter below), ahead of the COP 26 Climate Meeting in Glasgow next month, calling for them to do the right thing over the global climate emergency.

In the letter delivered today (Monday 18th October) they note that, “Our ecological crisis doesn’t fit easily with the shorter-term priorities which governments are more used to setting.” But, “We believe that doing the right thing now will also prove a vote-winner, even if it involves some short-term pain along the way”. 

Successful On-Line Presentation of Baseline and Vision Document

8th September, 2021 - 09:17

Surrey Climate Commission presented its Baseline Study and Vision Document to a wide audience from the general public on the 1st September.

For recording please click on link here .  Full reports on link below.

Baseline and Vision Document Now Out | Surrey Climate Commission

Community Hub Opens

24th August, 2021 - 12:54

A Mole Valley Climate Hub has now opened in Leatherhead town centre (at entrance to Swan Centre/High Street)  for the months of September and October.

It is part of the Climate Emergency Centres (CEC) network.  which is growing and has a presence in 5 locations in Surrey now

Active Travel Survey Results Now Out

23rd July, 2021 - 16:27

The results from the  Active Travel Survey, run by The University of Surrey and the Surrey Climate Commission are now out.

A summary has been prepared and will be out soon. In addition a follow up meeting will be held with stakeholders, such as Surrey County Council, to see how the results can influence future policy direction.

The project has been designed to understand what stops or encourages people walking and cycling in Surrey. By understanding this we hope to influence changes that can support more active travel in the future. 



Active Travel Project Launched

10th June, 2021 - 14:37

The Commission have joined forces with the Living Lab  department at the University to set up a Surrey Active Travel Project.

The objective is to identify  behavioural triggerds and barriers that have affected the take up of active travel in order to produce outcomes

that can help steer effective and coherent future policy and development .


Successful Crest Awards held

24th May, 2021 - 12:58

 The CREST21 Business Awards were held on Thursday 20th May

Presented by Woking News and Mail, and in association with the University of Surrey, the award event was great in promoting sustainability good practice throughout Surrey.

Winners included , Bare and Fair , Mesh Energy , Silent Pool Distillers and Penny Pot Nursery.

For more information on the event and contributors click here

Our Baseline and Vision Document Now Published

26th April, 2021 - 09:06

The Baseline Document has been produced by the University of Surrey on behalf of Surrey Climate Commission and shows where the current carbon impact is in Surrey. This report builds on Surrey County Councils Greener Strategy, published last year and provides detail and granularity in particular areas, such as transport and domestic heating. We also have addressed the very significant area of consumption-based emissions. 

Sustainable Development & Climate Change post COVID Roundtable

29th March, 2021 - 16:37

Surrey Chambers held the above event in collaboration with Wilton Park a networking part of the Foreign and Colonial Development Office. They are holding a number of these events around the Country to gauge how National and International Policy can have a positive impact on Local Climate Action.

A number of business stakeholders were on the zoom event, stating their views on how local climate action could be more supportive to their operations.  

Some of the main messages included;

Clearer communication on how best to reduce carbon impact